
17世纪法国和暹罗邦交过程中的巴黎外方传教会 被引量:2

Influence of the Society of Foreign Missions of Paris on Diplomatic Relations Between France and Siam in the 17th Century
摘要 法兰西第一殖民帝国的势力在17世纪80年代曾扩展至阿瑜陀耶王朝统治下的暹罗,一个隶属于罗马教廷的法国天主教传教组织于17世纪中叶最早抵达暹罗,它的全名叫巴黎外方传教会,这个组织的传教士开拓并且引领两国邦交,不过由于暹罗纳莱王身边的宠臣华尔康以及耶稣会士塔查尔的介入使得巴黎外方传教会在两国结盟谈判中的地位一落千丈,致使法国当局无法获得准确的信息因而鲁莽出兵暹罗,最终导致1688年的暹罗政变使得除巴黎外方传教会以外所有法国人的政治经济军事势力都被驱逐出去。 The french power during the reign of Louis XIV in the late 17th century had extended to Siam in the reign of Phra-Narai. The Society of Foreign Missions of Paris arrived in Siam in 1662 and guided the France to establish diplomatic relations with the Siam, but Constantin Phaulkon, the favored minister of Phra Narai seduced the jesuit guy Tachard contre them, resulting in the wrong information obtained in France, which had Louis XIV make a reckless decision to send troops to Siam, leading to the Siamese Revolution in 1688 that caused the French influence in Siam expelled.
作者 谢子卿
出处 《南洋问题研究》 CSSCI 2015年第1期90-98,共9页 Southeast Asian Affairs
关键词 巴黎外方传教会 耶稣会 暹罗 法国 the Society of Foreign Missions of Paris, Society of Jesus, Siam, France
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