

Characteristics and mechanism study on reburning of calcium acetate on NO reduction under O_2/CO_2 atmosphere
摘要 在O2/CO2气氛下对醋酸钙再燃脱硝性能进行了试验研究,并建立由112种物质和677步基元反应组成的机理模型,对反应机理进行了探讨。试验结果表明,醋酸钙再燃脱硝效率随温度的升高呈先提高后降低的趋势,高浓度的CO2对脱硝反应有促进作用。醋酸钙分解产生丙酮,丙酮高温热解主要气体产物为CO、CH4、C2H4、H2、C2H2和C2H6,这些碳氢气体能够与OH反应生成碳氢自由基和HCCO,进而与NO反应实现脱硝,高浓度的CO2对碳氢自由基的生成有促进作用。 NO reduction characteristic of reburning using calcium acetate was investigated under O2/ CO2 atmosphere. Then acetone denitrification reaction model including 112 species and 677 elementary reactions was built to reveal the reaction mechanism. Experimental result shows that as temperature increasing,NO reduction efficiency increased first and then decreased. High concentration of CO2 could promote the denitrification reaction.The main six gas products of acetone thermal decomposition were CO,CH4,C2H4,H2,C2H2 and C2H6. These hydrocarbon gases could react with OH,and then generate hydrocarbon ion groups and HCCO. Hydrocarbon ion groups and HCCO could react with NO to realize NO reduction. High concentration of CO2 could promote the generation of hydrocarbon ion groups.
出处 《电力科技与环保》 2015年第2期17-21,共5页 Electric Power Technology and Environmental Protection
关键词 O2/CO2 醋酸钙 再燃 脱硝 CHEMKIN O2/CO2 calcium acetate reburning denitrification CHEMKIN
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