
英国PGCE教师教育项目教育实习评价:策略与启示 被引量:2

The Educational Internship Evaluation of British PGCE Teacher Education Project: Strategies and Implications
摘要 英国PGCE教师教育项目教育实习评价体现出评价体系精细、评价过程扎实、评价频次密集、评价问责严格等多重特征。相比而言,我国全日制教育硕士教育实习评价则显得体系粗放、过程虚浮、频次较低、问责乏力。借鉴英国PGCE教师教育项目教育实习评价的经验,我国全日制教育硕士教育实习评价应制定详细的教育实习评价指标体系,明确各评价主体的职责,加大评价的频次,健全问责制度,以形成科学、高效的全日制教育硕士教育实习评价机制,加速全日制教育硕士的专业成长,促进全日制教育专业学位研究生教育的健康发展。 The Educational Internship Evaluation of PGCE Teacher Education in the United Kingdom has features like fine system, solid process, intensive frequency and strict accountability. As a contrast, however, the educational internship evaluation of Chinese full-time Master of Education presents the characteristics of extensive system, superficial process, sparse frequency and easing accountability. Accordingly, it is necessary, by referring to the strategies of educational internship evaluation of PGCE Teacher Education Project, for the educational internship evaluation of Chinese full-time Master of Education to develop a detailed system of evaluation index, make clear the responsibilities of evaluation subjects, increase the frequency of evaluation and perfect the accountability system in order to form scientific and efficient mechanism of evaluating educational practice, accelerate the development of full-time Master of Education Degree and advance the healthy development of full-time Master of Education.
出处 《教育理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期39-42,共4页 Theory and Practice of Education
基金 2012年度教育部人文社会与科学重点研究基地重大项目<大学与中小学教师教育共同体建设研究>(项目编号:12JJD880008)的研究成果之一
关键词 PGCE教育实习评价 评价内容 评价过程 评价频次 评价问责 PGCE educational internship evaluation assessment contents assessment process assessment frequency assessment accountability
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