created by Prishvin inherent rich literary characters, elegant language and a unique writing style that gained him the reputation of one of the most talented stylists of the 20th century' s literature. The precious literary heritage he has left behind consists not only of his essays, which were the start point of his creative way ; it also contains the fairy stories, prose and mini-prose, short stories for children, novels, diaries and conversations on his own creative experience. Due to the perfect synthesis of philosophic discourse, belles-lettres and on-the-spot reports, his essays on life are regarded in present article as ultimately integrated art works, which differ authenticity and lyricism with profound insights, the features of folk oral tradition and the bright colorful poetic style. The most distinctive feature of his essay works is following - they represent some kind of thematic essays' collections or series, such as “In the Edge of not frightened Birds”, which is an ethnologic diary of a journey. According to different content types of this series, I group (classify) them appropriately into such genre classes as the portrait essay, narrative essay, historical essay and comprehensive essay.
Russian Literature & Arts