Objective: To establish an emergency inspection model by UPLC-DAD-ESI-Q-TOF MS for rapid screening and identification of sildenafil citrate in tablets so as to provide a reference for the application of drug testing vehicle system. Methods: The emergency inspection model was established with near infrared scan, all the spectra were preprocessed by second derivative with 13 smoothing points, the spectral range of 6200 - 5300 cm-1 was selected as the characteristic spectral band, and 70% was set as the threshold for related coefficients. Samples out of the threshold were analyzed by UPLC-DAD-ESI-Q-TOF MS. Sildenafil citrate in tablets was rapidly identified according to the information of four aspects including HPLC retention time, DAD ultraviolet spectra, the first order mass spectrum and fragment information of the second order mass spectrum. Results: For samples detected as positive through the near infrared emergency inspection model, the content of sildenafil citrate was quickly confirmed by UPLC-DAD-ESI-Q-TOF MS in approximately 3 min. Conclusion: The established emergency inspection model and UPLC-Q-TOF MS are simple and easy to operate, which could be applied for rapid screening of large quantities of samples and could rapidly confirm large quantities of samples in a few minutes.
Chinese Pharmaceutical Affairs