

The Yuhuangding Temple Fair Lasts Six Centuries
摘要 “非遗”荟萃,庙会寻拢老烟台的影子 传说农历正月初九是玉皇大帝生日,这一天全国各地凡是供奉玉皇大帝神像的庙宇,都要赶庙会。烟台的传统庙会所在地就是毓璜顶公园。庙会期间,去玉皇庙上柱香,为新的一年祈福是老烟台人过年的传统。毓璜顶庙会是烟台的一大民俗盛事,近几年,庙会规模越来越大,层次也不断提升,且时间延长到6天,来参加庙会的游客、商贩、演出团体等,遍布山东半岛乃至全国各地,接待游客数量每年都创新高。今年庙会的6天时间,毓璜顶庙会就接待了近13万人次的游客。 The Yuhuangding Temple Fair is among the repertoire of the traditional folk customs during the Spring Festival in Yantai.It is a tradition in Yantai to seek for the flavor of the new year in the Yuhuangding Temple Fair,which also records the memory of the complex of the elderly Yantai people concering the traditional lifestyle.The early temple fairs were just a kind of grand sacrifices.With more and more people joining in,the content of the temple fairs kept being enriched and people gathered around the temple to worship gods,participate in recreational activities and go shopping.In the earliest days,the temple fair was only held on the ninth day of the first lunar month with diversified recreational activities.During the Anti-Japanese War and the Liberation War,the Yuhuang Temple and its surroundings became military stations and the annual Yuhuangding Temple Fair was cancelled for a period of time before it was recovered after the foundation of the People's Republic of China.During the Cultural Revolution,the temple fair was again suspended.After the Cultural Revolution,the Yuhuangding Temple Fair developed quite slowly for the restrictions of space,economy and living standards.From 2006 Yantai conducted allaround planning,designing and renovation of the Yuhuangding Park,which became brand new consequently.And the temple fair is revitalized as well.Now the Yuhuangding Temple Fair is held every year and becomes a major event of folk customs.
作者 唐寿锐 邹刚
出处 《走向世界》 2015年第13期81-83,共3页 Openings
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