患者,女,24岁。左乳房巨大肿物、破溃3个月,肿物迅速增大,就诊时达8.0 cm×12.0 cm。组织病理学诊断为鳞状细胞癌。患者出生后因左乳房"海绵状血管瘤"接受同位素治疗,愈后遗留色素脱失斑。3年前发现HIV阳性。鳞状细胞癌较少见于青年,考虑该肿瘤的发生可能与既往放射及HIV感染有关。
A 24-year-old female presented with giant tumor on the left breast for 3 months. The tumor increased to 8.0 cm×12.0 cm quickly. Pathological examination showed the characteristic of squamous cell carcinoma. The cavernous hemangioma on left breast was treated with isotope after birth and depigmented macule was left. The patient's HIV test showed positive 3 years ago. Squamous cell carcinoma is rare in young adult and the progress and oncogenesis of the squamous cell carcinoma in this patient may be related to the isotope therapy and the infection of HIV.
China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases