
帝国主义剥削加剧、共产党人的作用与我们的共同行动——第十六次共产党和工人党国际会议述评 被引量:1

The Exploitation of Imperialism Intensifying, the Role of the Communists as Well as Our Common Action——The International Conference Review of the 16th International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties
摘要 2 014年11月13-15日,由厄瓜多尔共产党主办的第16次共产党和工人党国际会议在瓜亚基尔市召开,与会代表围绕"共产党与工人党在反对帝国主义、资本主义剥削制度斗争中的作用;帝国主义和资本主义剥削引起的危机和战争;保障工人和人民权利的斗争"等议题进行了认真的探讨。此次会议分别由厄瓜多尔共产党、希腊共产党、巴西共产党、巴勒斯坦共产党等党发布了多个《新闻公报》,与会代表们选择性地签署通过了《与坚持斗争的工人阶级和拉丁美洲人民团结一致》等4个决议,并一致通过了由厄瓜多尔共产党中央委员会牵头制订的《共产党和工人党共同行动计划》。 During 13th-15 th, November, 2014, the 16 th International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties hosted by the Communist Party of Ecuador was held in Guayaquil, the delegates seriously discussed the following themes: the role of Communist and Workers' Parties in the struggle against imperialism and capitalist exploitation, the crises and wars caused by imperialism and capitalist exploitation, safeguard the workers' and peoples' right. Several communiqué were released by Ecuador Communist Party, the Communist Party of Greece, the Brazilian Communist Party and the Palestinian Communist Party etc at this meeting, and the delegates selectively signed and passed four resolutions such as In solidarity with the struggles of the working class and the peoples of Latin America, as well as unanimously adopted Common and convergent actions of the communists and workers' parties to be held until the XVII IMCWP,which was formulated by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ecuador.
出处 《社会主义研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期130-134,共5页 Socialism Studies
基金 2013年度教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目"意大利共产党的衰亡与重建研究"(13YJC710071) 2013年度国家社会科学基金一般项目"当代共产党和工人党国际会议的性质 功能和历史作用研究"(13BKS060) 2014年度国家社会科学基金青年项目"意大利社会主义运动的新发展及其启示研究"(14CKS016)
关键词 世界社会主义运动 国外马克思主义 共产党工人党国际会议 国际联合 World Socialist Movement Foreign Marxism International Conference of Communist Party and Workers' Party International Union
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  • 116 IMCWP, Contribution of the Brazilian CP,团结网(http://www. solidnet.org/.).
  • 216 IMCWP, Contribution of the CP USA,团结网(http://www. solidnet.org/.).
  • 316 IMCWP, Contribution of the Portuguese Communist Party,团结网(http://www. solidnet.org/.).
  • 416 IMCWP, Press Release by CP of Equador,团结网(http://www. solidnet.org/.).
  • 516 IMCWP, Contribution of Russian CWP,团结网(http://www. solidnet.org/.).
  • 616 IMCWP, Contribution of the South African CP,团结网(http://www. solidnet.org/.).
  • 716 IMCWP, Contribution of CP of Greece,团结网(http://www. solidnet.org/.).
  • 816 IMCWP, Contribution of CP of Bohemia and Moravia,团结网(http://www. solidnet.org/.).
  • 916 IMCWP, Contribution of the German CP,团结网(http://www. solidnet.org/.).
  • 1016 IMCWP, Common and convergent Actions of the Communist and Workers' Parties to be held until the XVII IMCWP, 团结网 (http://www. sol idnet, org/. ).











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