
全球公共物品分类:外交决策的视角 被引量:5

A New Taxonomy of Global Public Goods Provision:From the Perspective of Foreign Policy Decision Making
摘要 全球公共物品供给是全球治理研究的新兴议题,现有的研究方法主要反映了经济学和管理学的学科特征和研究目的。将全球公共物品供给嵌入国际关系的学术框架内,从外交决策的视角观察国家提供全球公共物品的不同方式具有方法论上的重要意义。作者在借鉴统合全球公共物品传统分类法的基础上,根据国家供给的决策过程的差异,将全球公共物品供给区分为主动供给、被动供给和无意识供给三类;根据供给动机的差异,主动供给和被动供给又可依照积极和消极的向度各自区分为两类,不同种类的公共物品供给在实践中表现出不同的供给特征。该分类法将国家特征、外交互动和国际观念同公共物品的特性有机结合,并建立在国家实践经验的基础之上,有助于从国际关系的角度展示国家在何种情况下愿意为全球公共物品供给做出不同程度的贡献,而非始终是搭便车者。该分类法进而为推动国家治理和全球治理的协调、探索通过全球公共物品的供给以实现全球治理提供研究的基础和分析的起点。 The provision of global public goods is a rising academic area of global governance research.Meanwhile,the existing methodology primarily reflects the research purpose and disciplinary characteristics of economics and management science.It has methodological significance to embedding the provision of global public goods in the framework of international political science by analyzing different ways of provision.From the perspective of international politics,the way of how nation states provide global public goods could be divided into five types according to the decision-making process and incentives;active-initiative,negative-initiative,active-passive,negativepassive,unconsciousness provision.The different provision types exhibit different characteristics,and exert different influences to global governance.This kind of taxonomy contributes to answering why nation states refuse to be a free rider;furthermore,it could be a research starting point to coordinate the relationship between national governance and global governance,and seek the road to global governance by promoting global public goods provision.
作者 杨昊
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期122-136,159,共15页 World Economics and Politics
关键词 全球公共物品 外交决策 国家供给 全球治理 global public goods foreign policy decision-making provision of states global governance
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