
绵阳市艾滋病疫情趋势及主要防控措施与效果分析 被引量:6

Analysis of AIDS epidemic trend and the main control measures and effects in Mianyang City
摘要 目的通过了解绵阳市艾滋病(AIDS)疫情趋势和主要防控措施与效果,为制定防治策略提供参考依据。方法依据全国AIDS综合防治信息系统相关数据,采用描述流行病学方法,对绵阳市AIDS疫情趋势和主要防控措施与效果进行分析。结果 1995-2013年绵阳市12个县市区(园区)共报告现住址为绵阳市的人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染者和AIDS患者(HIV/AIDS)1 536例,报告死亡244人,现存活的HIV/AIDS 1 292例;主要分布在涪城区、江油市、三台县、游仙区,占总数的71.90%;以20~49岁青壮年为主,占总数的79.69%;50岁及以上人群的构成比上升明显。农民、家务待业者分别占32.80%、24.28%;以经性接触传播为主,占88.86%。共建立AIDS筛查实验室55家,检测点208家,确认实验室1家。HIV/AIDS随访检测比例由2009年的85.12%提高到2013年的98.78%;AIDS抗病毒治疗比例由2009年的60.82%提高到2013年的95.17%。结论绵阳市AIDS疫情呈低流行态势,主要防控措施效果明显,但仍需进一步强化实验室管理与质量控制、感染者管理与治疗、高危人群干预与宣传教育工作。 [Objective]To understand AIDS epidemic trend and the main control measures and effects in Mianyang City, and provide a reference for the development of prevention strategies.[Methods]According to the national AIDS prevention and control information system, descriptive epidemiology was used to analyze the AIDS epidemic trend and the main control measures and effects in Mianyang City.[Results]From 1995-2013, totally 1 536 cases of HIV/AIDS with local address were reported in 12 counties of Mianyang City, with 244 death cases and 1 292 alive, distributing in Fucheng District, Jiangyou City, Santai County, Youxian District, accounting for 71.90% of the total. Young adults aged 20-49 accounted for 79.69%. The age structure showed the number of 〉50 years cases was increasing significantly. Farmers, unemployed and housework accounted for 32.80% and 24.28% respectively. The main transmission route was sexual contact, accounting for 88.86%. Fifty five HIV screening laboratories, 208 detection points and 1 confirmed laboratory were established in Mianyang City. The HIV/AIDS follow-up testing increased from 85.12% in 2009 to 98.78% in 2013. The proportion of AIDS antiretroviral therapy increased from 60.82% in 2009 to 95.17% in 2013. [Conclusion]The AIDS epidemic is at a low level in Mianyang City. The main control measures have obvious effects. But it is still necessary to enhance the laboratory management and quality control, management and treatment of infected individuals, intervention and health education of high-risk groups.
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2015年第5期618-621,625,共5页 Occupation and Health
关键词 艾滋病 疫情 防控措施 流行病学 效果 AIDS Epidemic Prevention and control measures Epidemiology Effect
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