
基于生态网络分析的流域水资源可持续性评价方法研究 被引量:7

Study on Water Resources Sustainability Assessment Based on Ecological Network Analysis
摘要 将生态网络分析方法引入到水资源可持续利用评价中,构建了水资源利用系统的生态网络模型,从网络结构平衡角度提出适用于水资源利用系统的网络结构可持续评价指标和方法。并以淮河流域为例,对其2005~2011年的水资源可持续利用水平进行了定量评价与对比分析,获得了淮河流域水资源可持续性程度,为淮河流域水资源管理提供了依据。 Ecological network analysis(ENA)was introduced into assessment of water resources sustainable use.Through constructing ecological network model of water resources use systems and providing sustainability assessment index from the perspective of network structure balance,a detailed case study of the Huaihe basin was explored.The sustainability of Huaihe basin during 2005-2011 are calculated and compared.Finally,the sustainability level of Huaihe basin water resources was obtained.This study can build a foundation for future studies on management of water resources.
出处 《水电能源科学》 北大核心 2015年第4期38-42,共5页 Water Resources and Power
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(ZY1303) 国家自然科学基金项目(51109004)
关键词 水资源利用系统 生态网络分析 可持续性评价 淮河流域 water resources use systems ecological network analysis sustainability assessment Huaihe basin
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