

Study on Error System Structure Analysis and Substitution Transformation
摘要 为了研究具有基本结构的系统错误和错误的避免或消除的方法,在简单分析模糊错误系统和一般系统存在的六种静态基本结构,串联、并联、扩缩、蕴含、反馈和其它基本型后,研究用基本结构中的其中一种或多种结构去置换其它一种或多种基本结构时模糊错误系统的错误变化的逻辑规律,并以系统结构图,错误函数和逻辑命题去形式化描述,接着还研究了模糊错误系统的动态的结构变化的几种形式. To study the error of system with basic structures and method to avoiding or eliminating error, after simply analyze six types of the static basic structure including series, parallel, expansion & contraction, inclusion and feedback and other basic types of fuzzy error system and general system, this paper researches the logic changing rules for error change of fuzzy error system when one or more types of basic structure substitute for one or more types of others and then formally describes them with the system structure chart, error function and logical proposition. Besides, several types of dynamic structure change of fuzzy error system are studied.
出处 《数学的实践与认识》 北大核心 2015年第7期10-22,共13页 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
基金 国家自然科学基金(71173051) 广东省哲学社会科学规划项目(GD12XGL03)
关键词 错误系统 置换变换 系统结构 错误函数 error system substitution transformation system structure error function
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