
教师职业生涯规划的模糊语言及可信性测评方法研究 被引量:1

The Research on Fuzzy Language and Evaluative Methods of Credibility During Teacher Career Planning
摘要 阐述教师职业生涯规划管理对于社区学院建设和发展的重要意义.揭示教师职业生涯规划测评采用模糊数学方法具有现实必要性和操作可行性.叙述多维度模糊语言的概念、表示方法、运算规则,梯形模糊数的概念以及基于可信性理论的清晰化方法.提出基于多维度模糊语言和可信性理论测评的基本步骤.提出教师职业生涯规划测评的由4个一级指标、15个二级指标构成的指标体系及其基本含义.以上海市C社区学院为例,开展对7名青年教师的教师职业生涯规划测评的实证研究,得出的结论为:u_5优于u_7优于u_3优于u_1优于u_6优于u_4优于u_2. The paper elaborates the significance of the management of the teacher career planning in community colleges, and reveals the practical necessity artd feasibility in operation, using fuzzy mathematical methods for the evaluation of teacher career planning. The paper narrates the concept of multiple dimensions, representing methods, operational rules, the concept of trapezoidal fuzzy number, as well as clarifying methods based on credibility theory. The paper advances the basic evaluation steps based on the multi-dimension fuzzy language and credibility theory, and moreover advances the evaluation for the teacher career planning index system, which is composed of is composed of four first grade indexes and the fifteen second grade indexes, as well as its basic implication. Take the Shanghai C Community College as an example, the paper carries out the empirical research on seven teachers' evaluation of teacher career planning, and thus concludes that u5 superior to uv superior to u3 superior to ul superior to us superior to u4 superior to u2
作者 陈芳
出处 《数学的实践与认识》 北大核心 2015年第7期107-119,共13页 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
关键词 职业生涯 模糊语言 可信性 测评方法 career fuzzy language credibility evaluative method
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