Considering that color face images contain much more identification information than gray face images, the chroma Mahalanobis distance map was introduced into color face recognition, and a color face recognition algorithm based on the adaptive fusion of chroma and luminosity features was proposed. The algorithm separates the chroma and luminosity information of color face images based on the YDbDr color space to construct Mahalanobis distance maps based on chroma information, and extracts the luminosity information based gray maps from orignal color fa- cial images by separation; constructs the recognition features of color face images through the adaptive fusion of chroma and luminosity features ; constructs and fuses the optimum feature discrimintion vectors of chroma and lumi- nosity maps in the real domain and the complex domain respectively by using the feature representation method based on the energy of wavelet packet sub-nodes to achieve the optimal chroma feature-luminosity feature comple- mentation; and uses the classifier based on the variance similarity degree to obtain the face recognition results. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has the higher recognition rate and the better robustness.
Chinese High Technology Letters