
不同植物油体蛋白及其油体贮藏最适温度关联研究 被引量:6

Correlation Between Plant Oleosin and the Optimum Temperature for Oil Storage
摘要 以仁用杏、油桐、花生、大豆、芝麻和油茶种子为试材,研究不同植物油体蛋白的组分差异,并结合其脂肪酸成分含量分析不同温度下油体贮藏效果。结果表明,前3种植物油体蛋白组分较多,而后3种植物油体蛋白组分相对较少;植物油体蛋白组分越多,油体差异个体也越多,同时某组分油体蛋白基因表达量越多,其对应大小的油体也越多;在4℃冷藏条件下植物油体均能达到一个较长时间保鲜的效果,但并不是温度越低油体贮藏效果越好,脂肪酸成分和油体蛋白综合影响植物油贮藏效果。 Kernel apricot, Vernicia fordii, Arachis hypogaea, Glycine max, Cortex cinnamomi and Camellia oleifera have been chosen as material to research the oleosin components in the paper. The effects of the oil body storage were analyzed under different temperatures as well as the content of the fatty acid composition. The results showed that the oleosin components of the first 3 plants were more than those of the latter 3 ones ; the oleosin components changed along with the increasing in different oil bodies. At the same, the oleosin genes expressed a positive correlation along with the corresponding oil bodies. When storaged under 4 ℃ or less, the all tested plant oil could be preserved better, but lower temperature was not always the better storage temperature. Not only oleosin but also fatty acid compositions affect the storage of plant oil.
出处 《中国粮油学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期56-60,共5页 Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association
基金 湖南省科技厅一般项目(2011FJ3219) 湖南省自然科学基金(14JJ2104) 中南林业科技大学校重点青年基金(QJ2011008A)
关键词 植物油体 油体蛋白 贮藏 温度 脂肪酸 plant oil, body oleosin, storage,temperature, fatty acid
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