
德国城市住房问题和政策干预的演进 被引量:4

Evolutions of German Urban Housing Problems and Policy Interventions
摘要 中国现有关于德国城市住房政策干预的研究很少考虑到德国城市化历程与社会文化传统的共同影响。对德国的历史社会学研究表明,早期城市化阶段其住房问题与住房政策干预初步萌芽;中期城市化阶段住房问题充分显现,住房公共政策占主导地位;进入晚期城市化阶段后,住房社会政策开始发挥重要作用;但直到二战后的后城市化阶段,德国才最终凭借强有力的住房社会政策干预根除了住房短缺问题,并形成了富有德国特色的社会住房体制。德国个案展现了城市住房问题及其政策干预的"工业化逻辑"与"制度化逻辑",对21世纪中国开启以农民工为对象的城市住房社会政策时代有重要启示。 The current research on the German urban housing policy interventions in China has seldom taken into account the combined effects of urbanization and socio-cultural traditions in Germany. The historical sociology research on German housing problems and policy actions shows that the housing problems and housing policy actions emerged in the early urbanization stage; in the middle urbanization stage,housing problems expanded and housing public policy actions dominated; in the late urbanization stage,housing social policy actions began to play a critical role. Only in the post-urbanization stage after World War II did German finally eradicate the problem of housing shortage and formed the regime of social housing. The German case embodies"the industrialization logic"and"the institutionalization logic"of evolutions of housing problems and the housing policy action during urbanization,which is an important inspiration for the housing problem in modern China.
作者 邓宁华
出处 《北京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第1期24-29,40,共7页 Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics:Social Sciences edition Edition
基金 广东省教育厅2013年高等教育教学改革项目(粤教高函〔2013〕113号NO.372)
关键词 德国 城市化 住房问题 政策干预 公共政策 German urbanization housing problems policy intervention public policy
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