
列管束内构件对鼓泡塔流动发展的影响 被引量:2

Effects of Pipe Bundles on the Sparger Zone Development in Bubble Columns
摘要 在Φ500 mm×4000 mm的大型冷模实验装置内考察了列管束内构件对鼓泡塔流动发展的影响。以空气-水为工作体系,分别采用电导探针和Pavlov管测量了有、无列管的鼓泡塔内不同轴向高度的气含率和液体流速径向分布。实验表明,在安装密集列管束的鼓泡塔内也存在一个充分发展段。与空塔不同的是,列管束的存在使分布器影响区显著延长,从空塔的约两倍塔径高度增至约四倍塔径高度,在冷模装置中占据塔体积的50%以上。在实验条件下,鼓泡塔高径比或液位高度对分布器影响区大小没有明显影响。 Bubble column reactors with pipe bundle heat exchangers are of importance in industrial application. Study on the effect of pipe bundles on flow development was conducted in a bubble column of 0.5 m diameter with 40 vertical pipes. Radial distributions of gas hold-up and liquid velocity at different heights were measured with conductivity probe and Pavlov tube respectively. Results show that a fully developed zone is existed in the column with pipe bundles. Comparing with the column without pipes, the size of the sparger zone is remarkably extended from 2 diameter height to 4 diameter height, which accounts for more than 50% of the column volume. The liquid level height has no significant impact on the existence and development of the sparger zone.
出处 《高校化学工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期270-276,共7页 Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)(2011AA05A205) 国家自然科学基金(U1162125 U1361112)
关键词 鼓泡塔 列管束内构件 分布器影响区 充分发展段 bubble column pipe bundle internals sparger zone fully developed zone
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