Direct reduction of low-grade lateritic bauxite was studied at high temperature to recover Fe and beneficiate AlzO3 slag. The re- sults show that a metallization rate of 97.9% and a nugget recovery rate of 85.1% can be achieved when the reducing and melting tempera- tures are 1350 and 1480℃, respectively. Moreover, a higher-grade calcium aluminate slag (A1203 = 50.52wt%) can also be obtained, which is mainly composed of ct-A1203, hercynite (FeAI:O4), and gehlenite (Ca2A12SiO7). In addition, high-quality iron nuggets have been produced from low-grade lateritic bauxite. The nugget is mainly composed of iron (93.82wt%) and carbon (3.86wt%), with almost no gangue (slag).
Direct reduction of low-grade lateritic bauxite was studied at high temperature to recover Fe and beneficiate AlzO3 slag. The re- sults show that a metallization rate of 97.9% and a nugget recovery rate of 85.1% can be achieved when the reducing and melting tempera- tures are 1350 and 1480℃, respectively. Moreover, a higher-grade calcium aluminate slag (A1203 = 50.52wt%) can also be obtained, which is mainly composed of ct-A1203, hercynite (FeAI:O4), and gehlenite (Ca2A12SiO7). In addition, high-quality iron nuggets have been produced from low-grade lateritic bauxite. The nugget is mainly composed of iron (93.82wt%) and carbon (3.86wt%), with almost no gangue (slag).
financially supported by the International Scientific and Technological Cooperation and Exchange Projects of China (No. 2013DFG50640)