
广州地区性病门诊患者生殖支原体感染及致病性分析 被引量:3

Study on the infection and pathogenicity of Mycoplasma genitalium in sexually transmitted diseases clinic patients of Guangzhou
摘要 目的探讨广州地区生殖支原体(Mg)的感染情况及其致病性。方法应用Taqman MGB荧光PCR方法对广东省皮肤性病防治中心2010--2013年性病门诊的2633例患者宫颈、尿道拭子进行Mg检测,涂片检测念珠菌、阴道毛滴虫和细菌学阴道病,ELISA法检测衣原体,培养法分离淋球菌。结果2633例疑似病例经检测Mg阳性209例,总感染率为7.94%,其中男性Mg感染率为8.94%(175/1958),女性感染率为5.04%(34/675),两者比较差异有统计学意义Х^2=10.45,P〈0.01)。男性感染者主要集中在30—49岁,占77.14%(135/175);女性主要集中在20—39岁,占82_35%(28/34)。男性Mg感染者中,30~39岁组占45.14%(79/175),高于其他年龄组,同时也高于女性该年龄组[35.29%(12/34)],但两者比较差异无统计学意义(仁1.12,DO.05);女性Mg感染者中,20-29岁组占47.06%,高于其他年龄组,同时也高于男性该年龄组[14.29%(25/175)],差异有统计学意义(Х^2=19.39,P〈0.01)。92份男性尿道拭子检出非淋菌性尿道炎(NGU)共33例,其中单纯Mg感染引起的男性NGU占72.73%(24/33)。21份宫颈拭子检出宫颈炎17例,其中单纯Mg感染引起的女性宫颈炎占82.35%(14/17)。结论广州地区男性Mg感染率明显高于女性,且不同年龄段男女Mg感染情况并不相同,另外Mg感染可能与男性NGU及女性宫颈炎相关。 Objective To investigate the infection status and the pathogenicity of Mycoplasma genitalium (Mg) in Guangzhou. Methods A total of 2 633 swab specimen from focus of male and female genital tract were collected from Guangdong Provincial Center for Skin Diseases and STIs Control and Prevention from 2010 to 2013, and Taqman MGB reattime PCR method was applied to detect nucleate of Mg. Trichomonas vaginalis, Caudida and bacterial vaginosis were detected by smear, Chlamydia traehomatis by ELISA and Gonococcus by cuhure. Results The total infection rate of Mg was 7.94%(209/2 633), positive ratio in male [8.94%(175/1 958] was significantly higher than positive ratio in female[5.04%(34/675)] (Х^2=10.45, P〈0.01 ). The main age range of Mg infections in males was 30-49 years, the positive ratio of which was up to 77.14% (135/175). For females, the main age range of Mg infections focused on 20-39 years, the positive ratio of which was arrived 82.35%(28/34). Among the infected males, the age group of 30-39 years took up of 45.14%(791/175) which was higher than other age groups and 35.29% of infected females aged 30-39 years (12/34). However, the differences had no statistical significance (Х^2=1.12, P〉0.05). Among the infected females, age group of 20-29 years took up of 47.06% which was higher than other age groups and 14.29% of infected. males in the same age group (25/175). The differences were statistically significant (Х^2=19.39, P〈0.01). There were 33 nongonococeal urethritis cases among 92 male urethral swabs, of which 72.73% (24/33) were Mg-infected. Among 17 cervicitis cases tested from 21 cervical swabs, 82.35% (14/17) were Mg-infected females. Conclusions The Mg infection rate of males is significantly higher than females in Guangzhou. In different age ranges, the Mg infection rates of females and males are also significantly different. In addition, the Mg infection maybe relevant to the non-gonoeoccal urethritis in men and mucinous eervicitis in women.
出处 《国际流行病学传染病学杂志》 CAS 2015年第2期99-102,共4页 International Journal of Epidemiology and Infectious Disease
关键词 支原体感染 流行病学 性传播疾病 Myeoplasma infections Epidemiology Sexually transmitted diseases
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