
Impact of Climate Changes on the Caspian Sea Level 被引量:1

摘要 At present time two main problems for Caspian Sea are: level fluctuations and its ecological condition. Historically, the transgressions and regressions of the Caspian Sea influenced the regional living and production. Based on the geological, historical and archeological data, as well as the measured data, the geological and historical variability, yearly and seasonal changes, and short-term fluctuations are studied in this paper. In addition, this paper reviews two different methodologies that explain the reasons for the level fluctuations of the Caspian Sea. The results indicate that the Caspian Sea level changes should be considered as a multistage process, which is affected by geological factors, hydro-climatic factors and water balance, as well as anthropogenic factors, and the hydro-climatic changes are the dominant influence on the Caspian Sea level. 目前,关于里海的两个主要问题是水位变化及其生态条件。历史上,里海的海水入侵和衰退对该区域的生活和生产有很大影响。应用地质数据、历史数据和考古数据,以及观测数据,本文对地质历史时期里海水位的变化、年度和季度变化以及短期的波动进行了研究。文章对解释里海水位波动的两种不同的方法进行了论述,并认为里海水位变化是受地质、水文气候和水量平衡以及人类活动等因素的影响的多级过程,其中主要影响因素为水文气候的变化。
出处 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2015年第2期87-92,共6页 资源与生态学报(英文版)
基金 National Natural Science Foundation of China(41271556 41101117) National Natural Science Foundation of China and Russian Foundation for Basic Research(4141101065 15-56-53037)
关键词 climate change sea level Caspian Sea 气候变化 水位 里海
  • 相关文献


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