
VANETs路由协议综述 被引量:3

VANETs routing protocols :issues and challenges
摘要 随着车联网VANETs(Vehicular Ad hoc Networks)应用日益受到关注,研究者对VANETs路由协议进行了深入研究。为此,首先总结VANETs的特点及应用,再介绍了基于位置的、基于拓扑以及基于广播路由的概念,并着重分析和总结了近期路由协议的核心思想以及特点,此外,还从应用场景、前提条件、虚拟设备要求、电子地图需求、路由恢复策略以及转发模式六个方面对路由协议进行全面比较,最后,展望了VANETs路由技术的未来研究方向。 With the development of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) application, VANETs routing protocols is in-depth studied by researcher. Firstly, the characteristic features and application of VANETs are described. Then this paper introduces the conception of position-based routing, topology-based routing and broadcast-based routing, and emphatically analyzes and summarizes the core thoughts and characteristics of recent routing protocols. Moreover, a qualitative comparison of these routing protocols in terms of application environment, recovery strategy, forwarding method and digital map requirement is given in this paper. Finally, this paper discusses the directions for further for researchers of VANETs routing protocols.
出处 《电子技术应用》 北大核心 2015年第4期16-19,24,共5页 Application of Electronic Technique
基金 2013年河南省科技厅重点科技攻关项目(132102210181)
关键词 车联网 路由协议 位置 广播 拓扑 鲁棒性 vehicular ad hoc networks routing protocol position broadcast topology robustness
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