
具体负性情绪对框架效应的影响 被引量:3

The Impact of Specific Negative Emotions on the Framing Effect
摘要 框架效应是指个体在决策中会受选择方案的框架形式所影响而表现出偏好逆转的现象。本研究通过2个实验分别验证了中国背景下框架效应的存在以及具体负性情绪对框架效应的影响机制。实验1结果表明本次实验的决策情境材料和情绪诱发视频有效,且在中国背景下决策情境中也会产生框架效应,实验2结果发现愤怒、恐惧和悲伤不同情绪下人们的框架效应程度存在明显差异,愤怒削弱框架效应,恐惧和悲伤增强框架效应。 The framing effect is defined as a phenomenon that people's decision-making behavior is influenced by the framing and shows different decision-making preferences. The research proves the existence of framing effect in China and the influential mechanism of the specific negative emotion on framing effect respectively according to two experiments. Among them, Experiment 1 shows that materials of decision situation and videos of induced emotion in the experiment have been checked, and that framing effect would also be achieved in decision situation of China. It could be seen from Experiment 2 that degree of framing effect between people with different emotion, such as anger, fear and sorrow is apparently different, which draws a conclusion that anger weakens framing effect while fear and sorrow stimulate framing effect.
出处 《心理研究》 2015年第2期18-25,共8页 Psychological Research
关键词 框架效应 负性情绪 框架类型 framing effect negative emotion the type of framing
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