目的:基于数据挖掘探讨治疗糖尿病中药配伍体系。方法:将《糖尿病验方450首》中医药治疗糖尿病的中医处方录入计算机,使用Microsoft Office Excel2003软件,建立数据库,进行统计分析。结果:治疗糖尿病中药方剂共414首,涉及中药236种,总用药次数为4071次。所用中药种类依次以补虚药、清热药、活血化瘀药、利水渗湿药、解表药、收涩药为主,占总用药的84.255%;药味以甘、苦、辛为主,累计频率达86.039%;药性以寒、温、平为主,累计频率达94.774%;归经以肝、肺、脾、肾、心、胃为主,累计频率达90.183%。结论:临床治疗糖尿病核心单味药主要为黄芪、生地黄、山药、麦冬、天花粉、丹参、茯苓、元参、当归、甘草、熟地黄、知母;药类以补虚药、清热药、活血化瘀药、利水渗湿药、解表药、收涩药为主。
Objective: To explore the treatment of diabetic mellitus(DM) patients in the Chinese medical compatibility system by data mining. Methods: The TCM prescriptions for DM treatment in The 450 Proved Recipes of DM were input into the computer and they were statistically analyzed with database established by the software of Microsoft Office Excel 2003. Results: The 414 formula for treating DM were sorted out involving 236 drugs with4071 frequencies of total application. The main Chinese medicines were deficiency-tonifying drugs, heat-removing drugs, blood-activating and stasis-removing drugs, water-nourishing and dampness-eliminating drugs, exterior-relieving drugs as well as astringent herbs, accounting for 84.255% in all drugs; the tastes of drugs were mainly sweet,bitter and spicy and their cumulative frequency was 86.039%; the main natures of drugs are coldness, warm and flatness and their cumulative frequency was 94.774%; the channel distributions of drugs are mainly liver, lung, spleen,kidney, heart and stomach and their cumulative frequency was up to 90.183%. Conclusion: The single drugs of clinical DM treatment filtered are mainly Huangqi, Shengdihuang, Shanyao, Maidong, Tianhuafen, Danshen, Fuling,Yuanshen, Danggui, Gancao, Shudihuang and Zhimu; drugs mainly focus on tonifying deficiency, clearing away heat,activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, nourishing water and eliminating dampness, relieving exterior symptoms as well as pungent herbs.
Western Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
data mining
Chinese medical system