

Auditory brainstem response in rhesus monkey(macaca mulatta)
摘要 目的探索实施恒河猴听觉脑干反应的测定方法及其波形特点。方法成年恒河猴8只,在基础联合持续静脉麻醉下以美国Bio-logic电生理检测仪行测定听觉脑干反应。测试完毕后,分别测量双侧耳的I、II和IV潜伏期和振幅,以及I^II、I^IV和II^IV波间期,并行双耳对比。结果测试顺利,过程中动物生命体征平稳。恒河猴ABR波I、II和IV波分化良好,波形重复性好,并以II波最为显著。动物双耳的阈值介于0~15d B n HL。80dB n HL时恒河猴双耳I、II和IV波的平均潜伏期为(1.201±0.112)、(2.239±0.127)和(2.239±0.127)ms;平均振幅为(0.186±0.160)、(0.521±0.314)和(0.138±0.159)μV。除I波潜伏期右耳较左耳长(t=-3.986,P<0.05),其余各波的潜伏期、振幅双耳比较均差异无统计学意义。结论恒河猴听觉脑干反应操作简便,可行性强,波形重复好。ABR各波潜伏期、波间期等为后续研究及其他相关研究提供了参考与借鉴。 [ Objective ] To explore the feasibility of auditory brainstem response (ABR) test in rhesus monkeys and analyze the characteristics of ABR waveforms. [ Methods ] Basic anesthesia combined with continuous intravenous anesthesia was applied to eight adult monkeys, and ABR was detected by Bio-logic electrophysiological monitor. Both the latencies and amplitudes of wave I, wave II and wave IV were collected. The wave duration of I-II, I-IV, II-IV was also measured. The comparison between bilateral ears was performed. [ Results ] All the eight monkeys underwent ABR test. The well-differentiated and duplicated ABR waves of I, II and IV had been detected, and wave II was the most significant one. The hearing threshold of bilateral ears was between 0 dB nHL to 15dB nHL. At 80 dB nHL, the mean latencies and amplitudes of wave I, II and IV for bilateral ears were (1.201 ± 0.112) ms, (2.239 ± 0.127) ms and (2.239 ± 0.127) ms; (0.186 ± 0.160) μV, (0.521 ± 0.314) μV and (0.138 ± 0.159) μV, respectively. Except the latency of wave I in the right ear was longer than that in the left ear (t = -3.986, P 〈 0.05), no statistical significance among latencies or amplitudes of wave I, II, and IV between bilateral ears had been found. [ Conclusions ] The ABR test of the rhesus monkey is feasible, and the ABR waves are well duplicated. Moreover, the latency and wave duration can offer a reference for our subsequent and relevant research.
出处 《中国现代医学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第10期6-9,共4页 China Journal of Modern Medicine
基金 国家科技支撑计划(No:2012BAI12B03) 北京市优秀人才资助项目(No:2012D003034000032)
关键词 恒河猴 听觉脑干反应 潜伏期 振幅 rhesus monkey auditory brainstem response latency amplitude
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