
黑龙江嘉荫晚白垩世永安村组水生被子植物——卡班叶(Cobbania)的新发现 被引量:1

A new discovery of aquatic angiosperm Cobbania( Lesq. ) Stockey et al.from Upper Cretaceous Yong'ancun Formation in Jiayin of Heilongjiang,China
摘要 首次在嘉荫晚白垩世永安村组发现水生被子植物卡班叶—Cobbania(Lesq.)Stockey et al.化石,刷新了对桑顿期(Santonian)永安村组植物群组成及对卡班叶地质历程的认识。对卡班叶的植物结构和生长环境的分析为研究黑龙江嘉荫地区晚白垩世中期的古地理与古环境提供了新的化石证据。 The aquatic angiosperm mega-fossils Cobbania( Lesq.) Stockey et al. are found from Upper Cretaceous Yong'ancun Formation in Jiayin for the first time. The new discovery has renovated the knowledge on the composition of the Santonian flora from the Yong'ancun Formation,and the geological range of Cobbania in Jiayin area. Analyzing the floristic structure of Cobbania and its paleoenvironment,provides new data for the study of paleogeography and paleoenvironment of Jiayin,Heilongjiang,during the middle Late Cretaceous time.
作者 梁飞 孙革
出处 《世界地质》 CAS 2015年第1期1-6,共6页 World Geology
基金 黑龙江省国土资源厅地质勘查项目(SD2005-014及后续项目)
关键词 水生被子植物 卡班叶 晚白垩世 永安村组 嘉荫 黑龙江省 aquatic angiosperms Cobbania Late Cretaceous Yong'ancun Formation Jiayin Heilongjiang Province
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