
微流控芯片技术在法医遗传学中的研究及进展 被引量:1

The research and progress of the microfluidics technology in forensic genetics
摘要 近年来,微流控芯片技术以其快速分析、高通量、微型化、集成化和自动化等特点发展迅猛。该技术以微机电精细加工技术为依托,以微管道网路单元为结构特征,以生命科学为主要应用对象,把整个实验室的功能集成到芯片上的分析实验装置。作为一种新型的生物学研究平台,本文就其在法医学生物样品的制备和PCR扩增、分离检验等方面的应用研究进行综述。 In recent years,the microfluidics technology is developing rapidly because of its rapid analysis,high-throughput,miniaturization,integration and automation,etc. The technology,based on microelectromechanical fine processing,has been mainly used in the area of life science. The unit organization of the device,characterized by micro pipeline network,integrate all the laboratory functions on the chip. As a new platform for biological research,the application of biological sample preparation,PCR amplification and separation in forensic science are reviewed in this paper.
出处 《中国法医学杂志》 CSCD 2015年第2期159-162,共4页 Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine
基金 公安部技术研究计划项目(2014JSYJA011)
关键词 法医物证学 微流控芯片技术 forensic genetics microfluidic chip technology
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