
空间站CO_2去除系统对微量污染物的辅助去除作用研究 被引量:1

Study on Assistant Removal of Trace Contaminants by Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly in Space Station
摘要 目的评价空间站CO2去除系统对舱内大气微量污染物的辅助净化能力及微量污染物对系统去除CO2性能的影响。方法按照空间站微量污染物模型,选取有代表性的11种微量污染物,采用10倍加速条件进行密闭舱注入,在模拟3人CO2代谢量条件下考核CO2去除系统对注入气体及CO2气体的去除效果。结果在3人CO2代谢量条件下,空间站CO2去除系统对大部分微量污染物具有显著去除能力;该试验条件下的舱内微量污染物对CO2气体去除性能无明显影响。结论 CO2去除系统对舱内微量污染物净化可以起到一定的辅助作用。 Objective To evaluate the assistance of a carbon dioxide removal assembly( CDRA) for removing trace contaminants from the cabin atmosphere in the future space station and the influence of trace contaminants on the carbon dioxide removal performance of the assembly. Methods According to the trace contaminants generation model of the future space station,eleven contaminants were chosen to represent the most common types expected,the chosen contaminants were injected into a test chamber at a rate ten times of the generation rate of the model,at the same time,carbon dioxide was injected at the rate equivalent to a crew of three.Under these conditions,the carbon dioxide and the contaminants removal performance of the CDRA were assessed. Results The results show that the CDRA has removed most of the contaminants injected in the sealed cabin during the test under the condition of carbon dioxide control for a crew of three,the contaminants has no influence on the carbon dioxide removal performance of the CDRA. Conclusion The CDRA provides significant assistance to the Trace Contaminant Control Subassembly( TCCS).
出处 《航天医学与医学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期125-129,共5页 Space Medicine & Medical Engineering
基金 中国载人航天工程基金资助
关键词 微量污染物 CO2 原理样机 空间站 trace contaminants carbon dioxide prototype space station
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