
冷季暖棚对鄂尔多斯细毛羊体重及产毛性能影响的研究 被引量:7

Influence of Warm Shed Feeding Manner on Weight and Wool Production Performance of Ordos Fine Wool Sheep in Cold Season
摘要 为评价冷季暖棚饲养方式对鄂尔多斯细毛羊体重及产毛性能的影响,将选取的基础母羊、后备母羊、育成母羊、育成公羊分别随机分成试验组和对照组。各试验组于2012年12月7日—2013年1月31日,夜间圈入暖棚内饲养,对照组夜间在圈外饲养。记录冷季暖棚试验期间暖棚内、外夜间气温,比较各试验组及对照组在冷季暖棚试验期间的体重变化。冷季暖棚试验结束后,试验羊只继续饲喂至2013年6月初。试验结束时,分别测定并比较基础母羊、后备母羊、育成母羊的试验组及对照组产毛量、羊毛长度、羊毛细度。结果表明,冷季暖棚试验期内,圈内、外夜间平均气温相差9.76℃,圈内、外最低气温相差14.10℃;基础母羊、后备母羊、育成母羊试验组体重分别比对照组少下降3.57、2.98、2.74 kg,育成公羊试验组体重比照组多提高3.08 kg;基础母羊、后备母羊、育成母羊的试验组产毛量分别比对照组增加0.22 kg(P>0.05)、0.11 kg(P<0.05)、0.59 kg(P>0.05);基础母羊、后备母羊、育成母羊的试验组羊毛长度分别比对照组增加0.40 cm(P>0.05)、0.31 cm(P>0.05)、0.25 cm(P>0.05);基础母羊、后备母羊、育成母羊试验组羊毛细度均比对照组细,且细度分别降低了0.01μm(P>0.05)、0.09μm(P>0.05)、0.24μm(P>0.05)。结果提示,冷季暖棚饲养方式可有效防止鄂尔多斯细毛羊掉膘,并可提高产毛量,增加羊毛长度,降低羊毛细度。 In order to evaluate the influence of warm shed feeding manner on weight and wool production performance of Ordos fine wool sheep in cold season, the selected basic ewe, reserved ewe, gimmer hogg and ram hogg were randomly divided into experimental group and control group, respectively. All of the experimental groups fed inside the warm shed at night from December 7 of 2012 to January 31 of 2013, whereas the control groups fed outside the warm shed at the same time. The daily temperature inside and outside the warm shed during the warm shed experiment in cold season were recorded and the changes of body weight of experimental groups and control groups in different sheep flocks were determined and analyzed. After the warm shed experiment was finished, all of the sheep fed to June of 2013. At the end of the experiment, the yield, length and fineness of wool of experimental groups and control groups in basic ewe, reserved ewe and gimmer hogg were determined and analyzed,respectively. The results showed that during the warm shed experiment in cold season, the average temperature at night inside the warm shed was 9.76 ℃ higher than that outside the warm shed, and the minimum temperature inside the warm shed was 14.10 ℃higher than that outside the warm shed. The lose weight of experimental groups in basic ewe, reserved ewe and gimmer hogg were3.57, 2.98 and 2.74 kg less than that of the corresponding control group, and the weight gain of experimental groups in ram hogg was 3.08 kg higher than that of the control group during the warm shed experiment. The wool yield of experimental groups in basic ewe, reserved ewe and gimmer hogg were 0.22 kg(P〉0.05), 0.11 kg(P〈0.05) and 0.59 kg(P〉0.05) higher than that of the control groups, respectively. The wool length of experimental groups in basic ewe, reserved ewe and gimmer hogg were 0.40 cm(P〉0.05), 0.31 cm(P〉0.05) and 0.25 cm(P〉0.05) higher than that of the control groups, respectively. The wool fineness of experimental groups in basic ewe, reserved ewe and gimmer hogg were 0.01 μm(P〉0.05), 0.09 μm(P〉0.05) and 0.24 μm(P〉0.05) higher than that of the control groups, respectively. The results indicated that warm shed feeding manner could effectively prevent the weight loss of Ordos fine wool sheep in cold season and increase the yield and length of wool and decrease the fineness of wool.
出处 《畜牧与饲料科学》 2015年第3期25-27,共3页 Animal Husbandry and Feed Science
基金 鄂尔多斯市科技特派员项目 国家公益性(农业)行业项目(201303062)
关键词 鄂尔多斯细毛羊 冷季暖棚 体重 产毛性能 Ordos fine wool sheep warm shed in cold season weight wool production performance
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