展销场 在香港九龙一个繁忙的十字路口,坐落着一家无名小店。一眼看去,它似乎没有什么特别之处:这里有亟待销售的廉价商品。商家也盼望尽快脱手。偶尔会吸引一群看客驻足围观,希望能捡点便宜货。仔细观瞧,就会发现一个反常的模式:商店的外观和贩卖者都在不断变化。任何一天内,你都可能发现这里在贩卖山寨的名牌包、烤面包机、洞洞鞋,甚至人寿保险。
DISPLAY DISTRIBUTE At a busy intersection in Kowloon, Hong Kong, sits a small, anonymous shop. At first glance, it is unremarkable: there are cheap items for sale and vendors eager to offload them as soon as possible. Occasionally, a crowd of spectators gathers around, drawn in by the prospect of a good deal. Closer inspection, however, reveals an anomalous pattern: both the shop's display and its merchandise are constantly in flux. A large blue-and-red banner hung above the storefront clearly denotes its form and function.