为了探讨不同灌水条件下胡麻的需水规律,在2012年和2013年田间试验条件下,以陇亚杂1号为材料,研究了不同灌水处理对胡麻耗水特性、籽粒产量及其水分利用效率的影响。试验设置5个处理:不灌水(CK)、分茎水80 mm(T1)、分茎水60 mm+盛花水40 mm(T2)、分茎水80 mm+盛花水40mm(T3)、分茎水60 mm+现蕾水40 mm+盛花水40 mm(T4)。结果表明:随着灌水量的增加,总耗水量逐渐增加,土壤贮水量和降雨量占总耗水量的比例降低。土壤贮水量占总耗水量比例的变异系数显著大于降水量占总耗水量比例的变异系数,表明土壤贮水利用率的可调控幅度较大。适量灌溉的T2处理,土壤贮水量占总耗水量的比例较灌水量多的T4处理显著增加了59.37%(2012年)、52.85%(2013年),表明T2处理明显增加了胡麻对土壤贮水的吸收利用。胡麻的阶段耗水量和耗水模系数表现为盛花至成熟>现蕾至盛花>分茎至现蕾,2012年的生长季阶段耗水量明显大于2013年。籽粒产量随着灌水量的增加先升高后降低,其中T2处理的籽粒产量和水分利用效率显著高于其他处理,与CK处理相比,分别显著增加了45.90%、20.50%(2012年),40.72%、11.71%(2013年)。结果表明,T2处理为本试验条件下高产节水的最佳灌水处理。本试验为胡麻合理灌溉和增产节水提供理论依据。
In order to discuss the water demand regulation of oil flax under different irrigation conditions, field experiment was conducted in 2012 and 2013 to elucidate the effects of irrigation amount and stage on the water consumption characteristics,grain yield,and water use efficiency of oil flax,which was ‘Longyaza 1 '. The experiment had five treatments: no irrigation during the whole growth season( represented as CK),irrgation amount was 80 mm at stem stage( T1),irrigated at stem and full flowering stage,and irrigation amount was 60 mm and 40 mm( T2),80 mm and 40 mm( T3),respectively,irrigated at stem,squaring and full flowering stage,and irrgation amount also was 60 mm,40 mm and 40 mm( T4),respectively. The results showed that with the increase in irrigation water amount,the total water consumption were increased,the proportion of soil water consumption amount and precipitation to total water consumption amount was reduced. However,the variation coefficient of the proportion of soil water consumption amount to total water consumption amount was significantly higher than that of precipitation to total water consumption amount,suggesting the relatively wide regulation range of soil water use efficiency. Compared with the treatment T4( with the total irrigation amount of 140 mm),the proportion of soil water consumption amount to total water consumption amount was significantly increased by 59. 37%( 2012) and 52. 85%( 2013) in treatment T2( with the total irrigation amount of 100mm),which was raised the absorption and utilization of soil water. The water consumption rate( CA) and water consumption percentage( CP) of oil flax appeared as follows. First,the flowering to maturity. Second,budding to flowering. Third,stemming to budding,the stage water consumption rate in 2012 was significantly greater than that of the 2013 growing season. Grain yield was increased first and then decreased with the increase of irrigation amount,the yield and water use efficiency of T2 treatment were significantly higher than other treatments,compared with the CK treatment,increased by 40. 72% to 45. 90%,11. 71% to 20. 50%,respectively. As far as water-saving and high-yield were concerned in the experiment,the most appropriate irrigation treatment for recommendation was the one which irrigated 60 mm at stem stage and 40 mm at full flowering stage( T2) respectively.
Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences
oil flax(Linum usitatissimum Linn)
irrigation amount and stage
water consumption characteristics
grain yield