
棉花雹灾脆弱性试验研究的装备与方法 被引量:2

Equipment and Methodology for Experimental Research of Cotton Vulnerability to Hail Hazard
摘要 从棉花雹灾脆弱性试验研究的角度,研发一套降雹模拟装置和棉花雹灾田间试验方法。基于棉花雹灾脆弱性试验研究科学原理,提出了降雹模拟装置的基本结构与功能,阐明了棉花雹灾田间试验方法的基本步骤,并通过田间试验初步验证了该套装置与方法的可靠性和适用性。结果表明:该装置能够发射直径为0.5~10.0cm的冰球,其射向可以在垂向0°~120°和水平0°~180°范围内调节,可使冰球发射速度达到20.0~45.0 m/s,可稳定控制冰球发射速度为23.0~25.0 m/s,从而满足模拟降雹的需求。人工模拟棉田降雹灾害的试验方法包括4步,关键是要以棉花生长期、冰雹大小和降雹密度为变量设计雹灾情景,以及对降雹前后棉花的植株性状进行观测,从而获取不同致灾强度下棉花脆弱性指标参数。进行了5种冰球直径和7种降雹密度共35种降雹强度情景的验证研究,对冰雹直径和落叶率关系分析的结果初步显示,该试验装备与方法可以为揭示棉花雹灾脆弱性的规律提供可靠的试验数据。和测雹板实地监测,遥感反演技术,以及利用割草机、喷水器、人工等手段去除作物叶片等田间试验方法相比,该装置与方法具有较大优势,试验数据能够满足雹灾棉花脆弱性研究的需求。其不足之处主要是自动化和信息化程度还比较低,加以改进将可更好满足其他雹灾承灾体脆弱性研究的需求。 This paper aims to establish a set of equipment and methodology for conducting experimental research on cotton vulnerability under influence of hail hazard.Thus,a design of hail fall simulation apparatus and field experimental method are put forward from two perspectives,which are simulation of hail strike and obtaining parameters of cotton damages.The equipment can shoot ice balls which are 0.5 ~ 10.0 cm in diameter.Its shooting direction can be adjusted 0 ~ 120° vertical and 0 ~ 180° horizontal,to ensure that the ice balls shoot the cotton plants within specified scope.At the same time,shooting speed of ice balls can reach 20.0 ~ 45.0 m / s,and can be stably controlled at 23.0 ~ 25.0 m / s,so as to meet the needs of hail falling simulation.Method of hail hazard experiment in cotton field includes four steps.Based on the mentioned equipment and method,a field experiment with 35 hail fall scenarios,including 5 kinds of ice ball diameters and 7 kinds of hail densities was carried out.According to the primary result,this set of equipment and method has a lot of advantages,such as flexibility of setup,easiness of handling,abundance of hail falling scenarios,in comparison with field monitoring methods such as hailpad observation,remote sensing inversion,simple field experiment methods including removing plant leaves by facility of mower,sprinkler and even hand.These advantages ensure the cotton hail hazard stimulation more similar to conditions of real natural hail hazard,thus provide high quality experiment data.In future,the automated capabilities of manipulating platform and information apperceiving of hail fall simulating apparatus should be improved;to meet the demands of experimental vulnerability research of more hail hazard affected bodies.
出处 《灾害学》 CSCD 2015年第2期102-107,共6页 Journal of Catastrophology
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41271515) 地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室(北京师范大学)开放基金资助项目(2009-KF-06) 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(2012CB955403)
关键词 棉花 雹灾 承灾体 脆弱性 试验研究 降雹 模拟装置 适用性 cotton hail hazard vulnerability of hazard affected body experimental study hail fall simulating apparatus applicability
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