The ultimate number nineteen in Chinese went through a long evolution from fact to function and from function to fact. In the Pre-Qin, the "nineteen years" of Chonger's exile in The Chronicles of Zuo was factual; in The lnner Chapters ofZHUANG ZI, the number nineteen appeared repeatedly and evolved into a functional ultimate number. Later, the number became both factual and functional in the "nineteen people" in The Biography of PingYuan the Gentleman in The Books of the Historian, but it became factual again in the 'nineteen years" of Su Wu's captivity by the Huns in The History of the Han Dynasty and the "nineteen years" (or seventeen years according to a different source) of Xuanzhuang's journey on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures. Corresponding seemingly to its functionalness in Zhuang Zi, the "nineteen-coin" bills in Kong Yiji by Lu Xuan was thought to be functional again. The "nineteen people" The Biography of PingYuan the Gentleman was transformed into a functional number in poems in the Tang Dynasty and in later times. As a result, it is the repeated fact-to-function conversion of the number nineteen that brought about the situation in which both factual and functional nineteen have the meaning as an ultimate number.
Journal of Central South University:Social Sciences
ultimate number
nineteen years
conversion from fact to function
nineteen people
nineteen coins