
幽默水平差异的理论构想 被引量:1

The Thoughts of the Difference of Humor Level
摘要 幽默感是一种能力,它具有层次之分。幽默感层次从低到高依次为幽默理解、幽默欣赏、幽默表达、幽默创造、幽默层次提出的理论依据:(1)幽默理解。根据失谐解困理论,幽默理解层次的个体能够理解材料所传达的幽默信息。(2)幽默欣赏。源于伍海燕等提出的幽默的认知加工两阶段和幽默理论中的心理逆转理论,以及审美中的「移情说」。(3)幽默表达。源于「外模仿说」,幽默表达是「外模仿」。当我们看到一些幽默的材料时,我们会跟着模仿。(4)幽默创造。弗洛伊德的心理动力理论认为,本能欲望的升华是幽默创造的动力源泉,在一定程度上阐明了人们幽默创造时会采用一定的技巧,即当幽默内容涉及到性、攻击等与社会道德规范紧密相关的内容时,要求个体采用各种技术,创造出大家能接受的,能引起大家会心一笑的幽默材料。 The sense of humor,a kind of ability,can be classified into different levels,among which are humor acceptance,humor appreciation,humor expression and humor creation. The theoretic bases are as follows:(1)Humor comprehension. According to the incongruity- Resolution Theory,individuals of comprehension level can comprehend the humor delivered by the given materials.(2) Humor appreciation. The concept of humor appreciation is based on the Humor Cognition Process Theory raised by Wu Hai- yan,the Psychology Reversion Theory in humor and the Empathy Theory in aesthetics.(3) Humor expression. According to External Imitation Theory,we tend to imitate the humor materials we have seen.(4) Humor creation. In Freud’ s Psychological Analysis Theory,the sublimation of human desires is the dynamic of humor creation. When referring to themes highly related to social morality,such as sex and assault,individuals are required to employ techniques to create acceptable and laugh- evoking humor materials.
作者 张灵聪
出处 《集美大学学报(教育科学版)》 2015年第2期16-20,共5页 Journal of Jimei University:Education Science Edition
关键词 幽默理解 幽默欣赏 幽默表达 幽默创造 humor comprehension humor appreciation humor expression humor creation
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