
水锤泵空气罐气体热力学过程的系统辨识 被引量:2

System identification of thermodynamic process for the air chamber of hydraulic ram pump
摘要 通过对一种自主原创的新型水锤泵的模型实验,研究了空气罐的热力学过程及液位特性对水锤泵性能的影响,提出了分析空气罐气体热力学过程的系统辨识方法,并通过对实测数据的系统辨识,得到了影响气体热力学过程的关键参数—多变指数k的变化规律。研究结果表明:空气罐气体热力学过程的多变指数介于等温过程(k=1.0)与绝热过程(k=1.4)之间,一般小于1.2,并且随着扬程的增加而减小。输水阀关闭过程中,空气罐内的水向泵体回流,使得扬水量减小,因此,改善输水阀的启闭特性,减小回流量,可提升水锤泵的性能。 Based on the experiments conducted on the independently innovative hydraulic ram pump,the impacts of certain key factors,such as thermodynamic process and water level fluctuation of the air chamber,on the hydraulic ram pump were studied.The system identification method of the thermodynamic process for the air chamber was proposed.With the system identification of the measured results,the variation of polytropic exponent k was analyzed.The results showed that the polytropic exponent kof the thermodynamic process is between 1.0,indicating the isothermal process,and 1.4,indicating the adiabatic process,and is usually less than 1.2,which decreases with the increasing of the delivery head.When the delivery valve is closed,water in the air chamber can flow back into the pump body to lower the delivery flow.Through the improvement of the open-close characteristics of the delivery valve,the backflow can be reduced and the hydraulic performance of the hydraulic ram pump can be promoted.
出处 《南水北调与水利科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期298-301,共4页 South-to-North Water Transfers and Water Science & Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51109230) 流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室人才培育课题(水实验室运行1404)
关键词 水锤泵 模型实验 空气罐 系统辨识 输水阀 多变指数 回流 hydraulic ram pump model experiment air chamber system identification delivery valve polytropic exponent backflow
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