
胶东滨海8种树木叶片热值、建成成本及其适应能力 被引量:11

Leaf Calorific Value of 8 Tree Species in the Coastal Areas of Jiaodong and Cost of Construction of Leaf Biomass and Its Adaptability
摘要 【目的】评估海岸多变环境条件下不同树种的生长发育潜能和适应能力,为海岸防护林建设的树种选择提供参考。【方法】以烟台海岸防护林带的主要树种柽柳、黑松、龙柏、白蜡、廊坊杨、红花槐、刺槐和紫穗槐为研究对象,以热值测定、元素分析和生物量建成成本计算为基本方法,对各树种的能量利用策略和生长、适应能力进行比较分析。【结果】本试验的8个树种中,叶片碳含量以黑松最高、柽柳最低,灰分含量则以黑松最低、柽柳最高,其他树种居两者之间,叶片氮含量和比叶面积以黑松和龙柏最低,其他树种较高,总体表现为阔叶树种高于鳞针叶树种;去灰分热值大致分为3个层次:紫穗槐、刺槐、红花槐、黑松和龙柏较高,白蜡和廊坊杨较低,柽柳最低;叶片单位面积建成成本表现为红花槐<紫穗槐<刺槐<白蜡<廊坊杨<柽柳<黑松<龙柏;相关性分析显示,去灰分热值与叶片碳含量极显著正相关、与灰分含量极显著负相关(P<0.01),叶片单位质量建成成本和单位面积建成成本均与去灰分热值和叶片碳含量显著正相关(P<0.05)、与灰分含量显著负相关(P<0.05),单位面积建成成本还与叶片氮含量和比叶面积极显著负相关(P<0.01);单位生物量中含碳化合物比例越高的植物,其能量利用效率越低、构建生物体的成本就越高,而单位生物量中灰分含量越高的植物,其能量利用效率也越高、构建生物体的成本则越低;叶片氮含量高有利于叶片的扩展,降低构建单位面积叶片的能量成本。【结论】本试验中8个树种的生长竞争力表现为红花槐>紫穗槐>刺槐>白蜡>廊坊杨>柽柳>黑松>龙柏;对海岸环境适应能力则以柽柳最强,黑松和龙柏次之,白蜡和廊坊杨第3,红花槐、紫穗槐和刺槐最低;海岸防护林的树种配置应以柽柳作为前沿植物,龙柏和黑松在柽柳之后,廊坊杨和白蜡居第3层,刺槐、紫穗槐和红花槐则可以种植在防护林的后部。 【Objective】Growth potential and adaptability of 8 tree species to the harsh coastal environment were assessed in order to provide a reference for species selection for the construction of coastal shelterbelt forest. 【Method】Based on calorimetric measurement,factorial analysis and biomass buildup costs calculation,a comparative analysis was carried out on the strategy of energy use,growth potential and adaptability of each of the 8 species: Tamarix chinensis,Pinus thunbergii,Juniperus chinensis var. kaizuka,Fraxinus chinensis,Populus langfanggensis,Robinia hispida,Robinia pseudoacacia and Amorpha fruticosa,all grown in the coastal areas of Yantai. 【Result 】The results showed that carbon content of Pinus thunbergii was the highest among the 8 species,while Tamarix chinensis was the lowest one. In contrast,Tamarix chinensis displayed the highest ash content and Pinus thunbergii the lowest. Pinus thunbergii and Juniperus chinensis showed the lowest nitrogen content and specific leaf area( SLA). Overall,the broad-leaved species were higher than the conifer species( Juniperus chinensis,Pinus thunbergii and Juniperus chinensis) in term of nitrogen content and SLA. The 8 species were divided into 3 groups in terms of ash free calorific values,and the order from the highest to the lowest was: Amorpha fruticosa,Robinia pseudoacacia,Robinia hispida,Pinus thunbergii and Juniperus chinensis as group1,followed by Fraxinus chinensis and Populus langfanggensis as group 2 and T. chinensis as group 3. The area-based leafconstruction costs( CCarea) of the 8 species from high to low is: R. hispida,A. fruticosa,R. pseudoacacia,Fraxinus chinensis,Populus langfanggensis,Tamarix chinensis,Pinus thunbergii and Juniperus chinensis. Correlation analysis showed that the ash free caloric values were very significantly positively correlated with carbon content( P〈0. 01),but very significantly negatively with ash content( P〈0. 01). The mass-based and area-based leaf construction costs both displayed a significant positive correlation with ash free calorific value and carbon content of the leaves( P〈0. 05),and a significantly negatively correlation with ash content( P〈0. 05). Furthermore,the area-based leaf construction cost showed a very significant negative correlation with nitrogen content and SLA( P〈0. 01). The results implies that the higher the proportion of carbon-containing compound in per unit of biomass,the lower the energy utilization efficiency and the higher the construction cost of building up the organism; while the higher ash content of the per unit biomass,the higher its energy efficiency and the lower the construction cost of building up. Meanwhile,the high nitrogen content in leaf is useful for the extension of leaf blade,and reduction of energy cost of construction of per unit area of the leaf.【Conclusion】The comprehensive analysis of the calorific values,construction costs,specific leaf area,leaf ash/carbon and nitrogen content showed that the order for the growth competitiveness of the 8 species from high to low was: Robinia hispida,Amorpha fruticosa,Robinia pseudoacacia,Fraxinus chinensis,Populus langfanggensis,Tamarix chinensis,Pinus thunbergii,and Juniperus chinensis. The order of adaptability was: Tamarix chinensis,Pinus thunbergii,Juniperus chinensis,Fraxinus chinensis,Populus langfanggensis,Robinia hispida,Amorpha fruticosa and Robinia pseudoacacia.Tamarix chinensis should be taken as the front line plant,followed by Juniperus chinensis and Pinus thunbergii as the second line and Populus langfanggensis and Fraxinus chinensis as the third line in building up the coastal shelterbelt forest in Yantai region. Robinia pseudoacacia,Amorpha fruticosa and Robinia hispida should be planted behind the shelterbelt forest.
出处 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期8-15,共8页 Scientia Silvae Sinicae
基金 山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2012CQ020) 烟台市科技发展计划(2012124)项目
关键词 滨海地区 木本植物 热值 建成成本 适应能力 coastal areas woody plants calorific value construction cost adaptability
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