
川渝地区天然气长输管道企业HSE管理体系建设与实践 被引量:6

Establishment and application of an HSE management system in long-distance gas pipelines enterprises in Sichuan and Chongqing areas
摘要 HSE管理体系是国际石油界公认的安全环境与健康管理共同遵守的规则,但其源于作业区域相对集中的上游勘探开发、下游炼化业务,不能将其建设方式直接运用于作业区域相对分散的中游油气长输业务。为此,基于管道企业点多、线长、面广、高度分散的特点,提出了HSE管理体系在天然气长输管道企业的建设策略,阐述了与输气生产特殊性、完整性管理体系、企业文化相结合的必要性,并在川渝地区输气生产中运用该策略来构造HSE体系并进行了有益探索。通过多年的实践,企业安全生产形势持续好转,逐步实现了从传统管理到系统建设、从注重结果到强化过程的转变;全员自主管理思想开始萌芽,由"要我安全"向"我要安全、我能安全、我会安全"转变。实践证明,以安全平稳输供气为目标,与输气生产、完整性管理体系、企业文化三结合的HSE管理体系建设方式适合于天然气长输管道企业。 An HSE management system includes regulations universally accepted and observed by global petroleum industries for health, safety and environment management. Originated from exploration and development operations in upstreams and refinery operations in downstreams with centralized operation areas, the management system and its establishment mode may not be directly applied in long-distance oil and gas transmission business with operation areas relatively dispersed. In view of multiple operation points, long distance, large coverage, highly dispersive distribution and other specific features of enterprises engaged in pipeline operations, strategies were proposed for the establishment of an HSE management system in long distance gas pipeline enterprises. The necessity was explained for incorporation with specialty, integrity management system, corporate culture of gas transmission activities. In addition, fruitful explorations were performed for the establishment of the HSE system in gas transmission operations in Sichuan and Chongqing areas by using these strategies. After years of successful application, production safety conditions in these enterprises have improved continuously. The transition from conventional management to systematic construction and from the focus on results to on procedures was all achieved step by step. The self-management principles germinated in all relevant staffs to achieve the transition from "You must be safe" to "I want to be safe, and I can and will be safe". Relevant practices show that the establishment of HSE management system with safe and reliable natural gas transmission and supply as the objective and with the combination of gas-transmission operations, integrity management system and corporate culture can be applied successfully in enterprises engaged in the management of long-distance gas pipelines.
作者 李进 曾剑鸣
出处 《天然气工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期126-131,共6页 Natural Gas Industry
关键词 安全HSE天然气长输管道 输气生产 完整性 企业文化 建设 实践 Safety HSE Long-distance gas pipeline Gas transmission Integrity Corporate culture Establishment Application
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