

Tensions and Balances between Participatory Governance and Representative Democracy:The Practice of Local Democracy Reforms in the European Countries and Its Reference
摘要 20世纪90年代以来,在欧洲地方民主改革中参与式治理与代议制民主的同时并存产生了既互补又冲突的复杂关系。两者之间的张力主要体现于政策实践中的各自为政;决策者难以适应参与式治理改革;地方议会处于两难困境以及公民参与自身的局限性。很多欧洲国家的地方政府一直着力协调参与式治理与代议制民主之间的紧张关系,在地方议会与政府行政的权力关系、地方议员的角色作用以及治理创新与过程管理之间寻求新的平衡。梳理西方学者对参与式治理与代议制民主的关系研究,有助于借鉴西方地方民主改革的经验与教训,以促进我国的地方民主治理。 Since 1990s there has been a complicated relationship between participatory govern- ance and representative democracy in the local democratic reform of European countries which ap- pears both complementary and tensions. The participatory governance brings with it new institu- tions that can conflict with existing institutions of representative democracy. The politicians find it difficult to adapt to this type of participatory arrangement. Local councils and citizen participa- tion face strains within a system of local democracy that contains representative and participatory elements. Local authorities have been seeking to reduce these tensions and build a new balance between the council and the executive, the roles of councilors, governance innovation and process management. These researches could be used for reference to improve the local democracy and governance in China.
作者 周晨虹
出处 《教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期63-71,共9页 Teaching and Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金一般项目"快速城市化背景下城市边缘社区治理研究--社会资本与文化重建"(项目号:13YJA840038) 济南市社会科学规划项目"社会资本视角下济南市棚户区改造与治理研究"(项目号:14CSI18)的阶段性成果
关键词 参与式治理 代议制民主 地方政府 民主改革 张力 participatory governance representative democracy local democracy tension
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