
英国图书馆所编汉籍目录初探 被引量:2

Research of the Chinese Ancient Books Catalogue Compiled by the British Libraries
摘要 从1838年起至今,英国各类图书馆所编纂的汉籍目录达14种之多。其采用的分类编排方法,包括关键词首字母法、西方学科分类法与五部分类法。这些目录揭示了英国收藏汉籍的基本情况,著录了多种善本,描绘了汉籍的流转历史,代表着英国学者编纂汉籍目录的成就。但与此同时,在分类、著录、版本考察等方面,也存在着诸多不足。 Since 1838, there were fourteen catalogues on Chinese ancient books compiled by the British libraries, which made classification by initial, western subject and five-part system. These catalogues revealed the basic situation on Chinese ancient books kept in Britain, which noted many rare editions, described the history of Chinese ancient books flowing into western, and reflected the great achievement of British scholars in this field. Meanwhile, there are still many defects in classification, cataloging, research on the version and so on.
作者 谢辉
出处 《新世纪图书馆》 CSSCI 2015年第2期75-79,共5页 New Century Library
基金 北京外国语大学世界亚洲研究信息中心2013年度课题研究资助项目"英国图书馆所编汉籍目录研究"(项目编号:2060-049912)的研究成果
关键词 英国 图书馆 汉籍 目录 British. Library. Chinese ancient books. Catalogue.
  • 相关文献


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