目的:观察普济宣肺消毒饮对急性支气管炎的止咳作用。方法收集2010年5月-2013年11月中国中医科学院广安门医院急诊科、急诊内科门诊急性支气管炎(表寒里热型)患者,按照随机数字表随机分为治疗组44例和对照组43例。治疗组给予普济宣肺消毒饮治疗,对照组给予急支糖浆治疗,观察2组对咳嗽及咳痰、发热、头痛等症状的影响,疗程均为7 d。结果止咳方面,治疗组痊愈63.6%(28/44)、有效29.5%(13/44),总有效率93.2%(41/44);对照组痊愈34.9%(15/43)、有效53.5%(23/43),总有效率88.4%(38/43)。2组总有效率比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=10.439,P=0.001)。2组咳嗽咳痰、发热、头痛、恶风等证候疗效比较,治疗组痊愈50.0%(22/44)、显效25.0%(11/44)、有效18.2%(8/44),总有效率为93.2%(41/44);对照组痊愈32.6%(14/43)、显效18.6(8/43)、有效27.9%(12/43),总有效率为79.1%(34/43),2组总有效率比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=3.642,P=0.056)。结论普济宣肺消毒饮有一定止咳作用。
Objective To study the relieving cough effect ofPuji-Xuanfei-Xiaodu decoction on acute bronchitis.Methods 87 patients with acute bronchitis of exterior cold and interior heat were randomly divided into two groups(44 cases in a therapy group and 43 cases in a control group).Puji-Xuanfei-Xiaodu decoction was given to the patients in the therapy group and acute bronchitis syrup was given to the control group, to observe the influence on symptoms of cough, sputum, fever and headache. The course of treatment was 7 days. Results On the reliving cough aspect, 28 cases (63.6%) showed cure effect and 13 cases (29.5%) effctive, the total effective rate was 93.2% in therapy group with 44 cases; while in control group (43 cases), 15 cases (43.9%) showed cure effect and 23 cases (53.5%) effctive, the total effective rate was 88.4%. The symptoms of cough, phlegm, fever, headache and aversion to wind were significantly decreased in two groups. In therapy group, the numbers of cure effect, remarkable effect and efficacy were 22 (50%) ,11(25%) and 8 (18.2%) cases respectively, the total effective rate was 93.19% while the numbers of cure effect, remarkable effect and efficacy were 14 (32.6%) ,8(18.6%) and 12 (27.9%) cases respectively, the total effective rate was 79.07% in control group. The total effective ratio of two groups had significant difference (P〉0.05).ConclusionsPuji-Xuanfei-Xiaodu decoction is effective in relieving cough.
International Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Puji-Xuanfei-Xiaodu decoction
Acute bronchitis
Clinical observation