
师范院校通识教育的实施策略 被引量:1

The Implementation Strategies of General Education in Normal Schools
摘要 基于通识教育的内涵和师范教育的特性,师范院校通识教育的使命体现在两个层面:终极层面,即"完整的人"的培养;专业层面,即教育信念的培养。师范院校通识教育在理念、课程、教师、教学方式、教学管理等方面还存在问题。改进和完善师范院校通识教育,必须首先确立科学的通识教育理念,明确通识教育的使命,加强对通识教育理念的宣传;从通识教育的理念和使命出发,顶层设计通识教育课程体系;强化通识教育师资建设,建设一支专、兼结合的优质通识教育课程师资队伍;创新通识教育教学方式,积极推进小班讨论教学、研究型教学,强化经典导课程教学,在专业方向课程教学中融渗通识教育,将专业教育和通识教育有机结合;加强通识教育管理工作,探索建立全校层面的通识教育机构,建立通识教育质量评估反馈机制,建立通识教育课程教学助教制,实施双导师制,推进优质通识教学资源共享。 Based on the characteristics of general education and teacher education, the mission of general education in normal schools can be reflected in two levels., the ultimate level which aims at cultivating a "complete" man; the "professional" level which aims at the cultivation of educational beliefs. Frankly speaking, there are still a lot of problems in the general education of normal schools in terms of its philosophy, curricula, teachers, teaching methods, teaching management, etc. In order to improve and perfect the general education of normal schools, firstly, we should establish the scientific concept of general education, understand its mission and strengthen the publicity of general education beliefs; secondly, we should design a top- level curriculum system in line with the philosophy and mission of general education; thirdly, we should also strengthen the training of general education teachers, aiming at building up a teaching team that is not only equipped with professional knowledge but also with broader sense of general knowledge; finally, we should innovate the way of teaching and actively promote small class discussion, research teaching, the guide reading on classics as well as the combination of general education with the professional teaching. We should also strengthen our administration, namely, establishing an administrative center on school level, an quality assessment feedback system, and a teaching assistant system for general education, enforcing "double tutors" and the sharing of quality teaching resources.
作者 李铁绳
出处 《教师教育论坛》 2015年第1期90-93,共4页 Teacher Education Forum
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学一般课题"教育学的专业改造与学科建设研究"(编号:BAA100013) 国家教师教育优势学科创新平台建设项目(编号:GJ9850101)子项目 陕西师范大学教师教育研究项目(编号:JSJY2011004)阶段性研究成果
关键词 师范院校 通识教育 使命 实施策略 normal school general education mission implementation strategy
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