
微波联合碱液煤炭脱硫研究 被引量:7

Coal desulfurization under microwave irradiation combined with NaOH solution
摘要 采用微波联合碱液的方法进行煤炭脱硫实验研究,考察了煤炭粒度、碱液浓度、辐照时间、微波功率对脱硫效果的影响,以及脱硫前后煤中矿物质与含硫官能团的变化。结果表明:在所选择的参数范围内,脱硫率随着煤炭粒度的减小而增大,随着碱液浓度、辐照时间、微波功率的增大而增大。XRD分析表明,脱硫后煤中矿物质种类未发生显著变化,但含量明显降低。红外光谱分析表明,脱硫后煤的整体结构未发生显著变化,但含硫官能团吸收峰明显减弱。 With NaOH solution as assistant agent ,coal desulfurizaition test was carried out to find out the influences of such factors as coal particle size ,concentration of NaOH solution ,irradiation time ,and power on desulfurization ,and the changes of minerals and sulfur‐containing functional groups in coal before and after desulfurization were also studied .It was indicated that ,in the selected range of parameters , decreasing the coal particle size would contribute to desulfurization ,and increasing the NaOH solution , irradiation time ,and power would result in a better desulphurization efficiency .According to the analysis of XRD and FTIR of coal samples before and after desulfurization ,the content of minerals decreased significantly without any striking defferences in species ,and the absorption peaks of sulfur containing functional groups decreased without any significant damage to the coal structure .
出处 《中国矿业》 北大核心 2015年第4期117-120,共4页 China Mining Magazine
基金 国家自然科学基金项目资助(编号:51274199) 教育部博士点基金资助(编号:20130095110008) 中国矿业大学大型仪器设备开放共享基金资助
关键词 煤炭 微波脱硫 碱液 影响因素 coal microwave desulfurization NaOH solution influence factors
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