
从林纾译《迦茵小传》看清末中国男权意识的固守与松动 被引量:2

The Persistence and Decline of Patriarchy in the Late Qing Dynasty Based on Lin Shu's Translation of Joan Haste
摘要 依托译例分析,以林纾所译《迦茵小传》为标志性译本,展现清末中国男权意识的固守与松动。该译作呈现出阳刚之气、厌女症、尚武等男性中心主义话语,但也保留了原作中媚雌的骑士精神,折射出晚清男性知识分子在社会转型期的国族和性别焦虑。这种矛盾情绪是中国从传统文化向现代文化过渡的一个表征。 This paper probes into the persistence and decline of patriarchy in Lin Shu's translation of Joan Haste in the late Qing Dynasty. The translation manifests such patriarchal ideas as masculinity, misogyny and militarism and preserves chivalry in the source text. This paradox reveals Chinese male intelligentsia's anxiety over the national crisis and gender crisis in the late Qing Dynasty, also represents China's transformation from traditional culture to the modern one..
作者 苏艳
出处 《天津外国语大学学报》 2015年第2期26-32,共7页 Journal of Tianjin Foreign Studies University
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"从文化自恋到文化自省:晚清(1840-1911)中国翻译界的心路历程"(13YJC740081) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"西学东渐与清末民初译名问题研究"(13YJC740136) 中国博士后科学基金资助项目"晚清(1840-1910)中国翻译界的文化自恋"(2012M511001)
关键词 林纾 男权意识 焦虑 Lin Shu patriarchy anxiety
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