
泛肿瘤研究和肿瘤免疫研究——未来抗肿瘤药的发展趋势 被引量:6

Pan-cancer research and immunotherapy: New trends in antitumor drug development
摘要 随着肿瘤基因组学和肿瘤微环境研究的不断深入,抗肿瘤药物研发正逐步进入泛肿瘤研究和肿瘤免疫治疗的新时代。泛肿瘤研究可以帮助找到新的癌症相关的分子遗传学特征,并建立起基于分子机制的肿瘤分类法,让患者得到更为匹配的治疗。而肿瘤免疫治疗则利用增强免疫正调节和抑制免疫负调节这两种策略来逆转肿瘤微环境的免疫逃逸,最终控制和杀伤肿瘤细胞,并表现出了惊人的持久性应答。大量的泛肿瘤研究以及肿瘤微环境研究的数据累积,促使抗肿瘤临床试验发生模式上的转变,囊括多瘤种、多药物的整群试验模式正在逐渐兴起。 Cancer genome and tumor microenvironment researches give insights into the mechanism of cancer initiation and progression. Meanwhile, the development of anti-tumor drugs tends to involve more and more studies focused on pan-cancer analysis and immunotherapy. Pan-cancer analysis helps to find undiscovered cancer-associated genomic alteration, and provides a new classification of tumors based on their molecular characteristics that could probably better match individual patients. Immunotherapy aims to reverse immune evasion and finally kill cancer cells by pushing up the positive and/or pulling back the negative immune regulators in tumor microenvironment, and often represents a long-lasting response in patients. Data collected from these studies also promote the change of the strategy for cancer clinical trial design. Establishing a multi-drug, cross-tumor type, biomarker-driven clinical trial model becomes a new trend in cancer research.
作者 王印祥
出处 《中国药物化学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2015年第2期149-152,共4页 Chinese Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
关键词 泛肿瘤研究 肿瘤基因组学 肿瘤免疫治疗 免疫检验点 pan-cancer research cancer genomics cancer immunotherapy immune-checkpoint
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