
某县贫困地区儿童营养改善项目营养包服用影响因素分析 被引量:12

Analysis on the influence factors about taking nutrition package of “Projects on children nutrition improvement in poor areas”in some country
摘要 目的了解云南省某县贫困地区儿童营养改善项目营养包服用情况,并分析影响因素,为下一步制定干预措施提供依据。方法通过乡村医生对儿童服用营养包的情况进行监测,调查员对家长、村妇幼医生和村妇代会主任进行访谈,采用单因素、多因素及Cox回归分析,了解影响儿童服用营养包的因素。结果全县2013年3-9月知情同意服用营养包的儿童5824名,其中5072名儿童能持续服用营养包,752名儿童提前停服。单因素分析结果表明,母亲年龄、文化程度、民族及父亲年龄、文化程度、民族,以及出生体重、儿童主要照顾者等8个因素与儿童服用营养包有关。多因素分析结果提示,母亲文化程度越高越有利于儿童持续服用营养包,低出生体重儿是促进儿童持续服用营养包的有利因素;与汉族母亲比较,母亲为少数民族是儿童持续服用营养包的不利因素。结论儿童提前停服营养包与多种因素有关,应针对相关因素采取综合干预措施,减少儿童提前停服营养包。 Objective To understand the influence factors about taking nutrition package of "Projects on children nutrition improvement in poor areas" in some country of Yunnan province, and to provide scientific basis for developing intervention strategies and measures. Methods Monitor children take nutrition package by rural doctors, and investigate parents, village doctors and village women' s head by investigators. Results From March 2014 to September 2014, 5824 infants and young children into the "Projects on children nutrition improvement in poor areas", 5072 infants and young children take effective nutrition package, 752 children take off the group. Univariate analysis showed that the age of mother, the culture of mother, the nation of mother, the age of father, the culture of father, the nation of father, birth weight, primary careglvers for children were associated with taking nutrition package. In multiple factors analysis, the higher the degree of mother culture more conducive to children' s continued taking nutrition package; Low birth weight is the favorable factor to promote children' s continued taking nutrition package; Compared with the han mother, minority mother is the unfavorable factors. Conclusion Children stop taking nutrition package is affected by many factors. We should take comprehensive intervention measures to reduce the children stop taking nutrition package according to related factors.
出处 《中国妇幼卫生杂志》 2015年第2期26-29,共4页 Chinese Journal of Women and Children Health
关键词 营养包 影响因素 儿童营养 nutrition package influence factors Children nutrition
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