目的分析2008-2013年光明新区围产儿死亡率及其原因,以采取针对性预防措施,降低本地区围产儿死亡率。方法回顾性分析5年光明新区49 123例围产儿报告卡病例资料,并进行汇总统计。结果该地区2008-2013年,平均围产儿年死亡率为6.17‰。其中,新生儿死亡率为0.90‰;死胎或死产死亡率为5.27‰。除2008年外,从2009-2013年中,死亡率呈下降的总趋势(趋势χ2=9.08,P=0.059)。5年间围产儿死因前三位分别为先天畸形(构成比48.18%),不明原因(构成比30.36%),早产儿(构成比8.91%)。结论该地区围产儿年死亡率基本呈下降趋势,先天畸形、不明原因、早产儿是其主要死亡原因,医务人员应加强该地区孕检工作,尽量避免或减少先天畸形、早产儿的发生,同时加强各项医疗技能,尽量探明围产儿死亡原因,为降低该地区围产儿死亡率打下基础。
Objective To analyze perinatal mortality and causes of death at Guangming District from 2008 to 2013, to carry out targeted preventive measures to reduce perinatal mortality in the region. Methods Took a retrospective analysis of 49 123 cases of Report Card perinatal clinical data for five years in Guangming New District, and summary statistics. Results From 2008 to 2013 ,the average perinatal mortality rate was 6.17 ~'~ a t Guangming District. Mortality has the overall trend of downward from 2009 to 2013. Among them, the mortality rate of neonatal deaths was 0.90 %~; the mortality rate of stillbirth or stillbirth was 5.27 %~. Three former perinatal causes of death were congenital malformations (48.18%) , unexplained preterm children (30.36%) , and premature baby (8.91%). Conclusion Mortality has the overall trend of downward in this district. Congenital malformations, unexplained preterm children, and premature baby were the perinatal death causes. So the system of this district should be improving maternal self-care awareness ; increase training of medical staff, improve its services skills, reduce unnecessary deaths ; to take active families education, increase the intensity autopsy further the siege births cause of death.
Chinese Journal of Women and Children Health
causes of death