

A Literature Review of Employee's Brand-related Behavior under the Background of Internal Branding
摘要 随着理论及实践的发展,越来越多的学者认识到员工行为与服务品牌价值一致的重要性。在此背景下,学者们提出了一些概念来描述对品牌表现出来的积极的行为,其中品牌公民行为和员工品牌建设行为最为全面和最具代表性。本研究对品牌公民行为和员工品牌建设行为进行综述,梳理了它们的概念、维度构成及前置影响因素,并结合组织公民行为研究了三者间的内在关系,最后对未来的研究方向进行了归纳。 Employees play a major role in internal branding,however, prior literature on the idea of employees as brand builders is rather vague in terminology. Views of employees as "brand ambassadors" or "brand maniacs," "brand champions," and "brand evangelists", do not provide a concrete concept. With the development of the theory and practice, marketing researchers proposed the concepts of brand citizenship behavior and employees brand building behavior. In this paper, the defi nitions, dimensions and antecedentsof these two brand-related behaviors are reviewed. Finally, the future research directions are explored.
作者 张辉 牛振邦
出处 《北京第二外国语学院学报》 2015年第3期63-70,共8页 Journal of Beijing International Studies University
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(14WKPY66)
关键词 品牌公民行为 品牌建设行为 组织公民行为 内部品牌化 brand citizenship behavior brand building behavior organizational citizenship behavior internal branding
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