
A Mar keting Str ategy for the Development of Want W ant Rice Cr acker s in China Biscuits Mar ket

A Mar keting Str ategy for the Development of Want W ant Rice Cr acker s in China Biscuits Mar ket
摘要 The Want Want Group,as the biggest rice crackers manufacturer in the world,entered the China's Mainland’s biscuit market and established its first factory in Hunan 1994.Rice Crackers are widely welcomed by Chinese consumers;however,in this decade it remained a stable company share with a very little decline in China’s biscuit market.In order to maintain sustainable development,it is worthy to consider the competitive environment and distinguish the opportunities and challenges,analysis strengths and weaknesses. The Want Want Group, as the biggest rice crackers manufacturer in the world, entered the China's Mainland's biscuit market and established its first factory in Hunan 1994. Rice Crackers are widely welcomed by Chinese consumers; however, in this decade it remained a stable company share with a very little decline in China's biscuit market. In order to maintain sustainable development, it is worthy to consider the competitive environment and distinguish the opportunities and challenges, analysis strengths and weaknesses.
作者 杜卉
出处 《科技视界》 2015年第11期127-128,256,共3页 Science & Technology Vision
关键词 食品工业 饼干 发展现状 经营策略 Want Want PEST SWOT Marketing
  • 相关文献


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