
孤独症儿童自我意识干预及其心理理论能力的发展 被引量:4

Intervention of Self Awareness and Development of Mental Theory Among Autistic Children
摘要 心理理论能力是指认识自己和他人的心理并根据心理推测行为的能力。心理理论能力的缺失是产生孤独症患者社会交往障碍的重要心理学机制。自我意识是儿童社会化的重要组成部分。通过采用动画辅助的认知行为干预疗法对15名孤独症儿童(男13名,女2名,平均月龄为60.87个月)的自我意识进行3个多月的干预,结果发现:该组儿童在心理理论任务通过率(t=8.41,p〈0.001)、日常心理理论技能(t=5.14,p〈0.05)及积极社会交往能力(t=11.18,p〈0.05)等方面都有显著的提升。这说明认知行为干预疗法能有效提高孤独症儿童的心理理论能力,促进其社会交往能力的发展。 Theory of mind refers to the ability to understand their own and others’mentality to predict behaviors.The lack of theory of mind is an important psychological mechanism of social interaction a-mong patients with autistic disorder.Self-awareness is an important part of the socialization of chil-dren.Three-month intervention was performed on 1 5 autistic children (1 3 male,2 female,average age was 60.87 months)by means of cognitive behavior and cartoon schema.In the research,the treat-ment of cognitive behavioral intervention have been found to have obvious effect in improving the pass rate of mental theory(t=8.41,p〈0.001),routine mental theoretical skills (t=5.14,p〈0.05)and so-cial skills(t=11.18,p〈0.05.The findings suggest that cognitive behavioral intervention is effective in improving the autistic children’s mental theory competence and thus facilitating their social skills.
出处 《教师教育学报》 2015年第2期111-115,共5页 Journal of Teacher Education
基金 重庆市卫生局医学科学技术研究项目“孤独症儿童心理理论技能干预模式的临床研究”(2010-2-417),项目负责人:邵智
关键词 心理理论技能 自我意识干预 孤独症儿童 儿童社会性 mental theory skill intervention of self-awareness autistic children social development of children
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