
包装方式对花生仁气体密闭贮藏过程中脂肪的影响 被引量:7

Effects of different packing materials on quality of peanut fats by different gas sealed storage
摘要 研究4种包装材料及5种充气方式对花生仁密闭贮藏效果的影响。通过在45℃条件下进行加速老化贮藏试验,以酸价、过氧化值为考察指标,筛选出最佳包装材料和充气方式。结果表明:不同包装材料对抑制花生仁氧化的贮藏效果大小顺序为:PA/PE 5层共挤袋>PA/PE复合12丝袋>PA/PE复合10丝袋>BOPA/LDPE复合袋;不同充气方式对抑制花生仁氧化的贮藏效果大小顺序为:真空氮气包装>真空充混合气体包装>真空二氧化碳包装>真空包装>自然空气包装。通过本次试验表明:PA/PE 5层共挤袋充氮气包装密闭贮藏能有效的抑制花生仁脂肪氧化酸败。 In order to study the influence of four packaging materials and five modified atmospheres on peanut kernels in the storage.Through accelerated aging in 45 ℃ condition,with acid value and peroxide value as index,the best packaging materials and inflatable way were be selected.The results showed that,the order of packaging material to inhibit oxidation of peanut storage effect size was: five layer coextrusion 10 silk bag 〉composite 12 silk bag 〉composite 10 silk bag〉 nylon composite bag;The order of Inflatable way to inhibit oxidation of peanut storage effect size was: packing with nitrogen in vacuum 〉packing with mixed gas in vacuum〉 packing with carbon dioxide in vacuum vacuum packing 〉air packing.Through the experiment,the optimum storage effect was using the five layer coextrusion bag filled with nitrogen gas to package peanut kernels.It could effectively restrain peanut fat oxidative rancidity.
出处 《食品与机械》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期174-177,共4页 Food and Machinery
基金 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金(编号:CARS-14) 江西省科技计划(编号:20132BBF60056)
关键词 花生仁 包装材料 充气 密闭贮藏 peanut kernels packaging material filling gas sealed storage
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