

Judgment of Gas Explosive Characteristics Based on Improved USBM Method
摘要 判断煤矿井下封闭的火区或因开采结束密闭采空区内混合气体的可爆炸性一直是影响煤矿安全生产的关键问题。近年来,因这些区域管理不善而造成的爆炸事故导致人员伤亡和财产损失的屡见不鲜。为快速准确地判定混合气体的爆炸性,USBM(美国矿业局)作了广泛的研究并形成了独特的判断法,然而在实践过程中,该法也存在着判定气体种类单一、误判的不足。为此,提出了相应的改进方法,并通过实例进行了可靠性交叉验证。结果表明,改进后的USBM法更为可靠,具有良好的推广前景。 The judgment of the closed fire zones in coal mine or the explosive characteristics of the mixed gas which existed in the sealed goaf at the end of mining is the key question that influence the safety of coal mines. In recent years,the explosion accidents that casued by the poor management of these areas lead to a large number of casualities and property losses. In order to judge the explosive characteristics accurately,the unique judgment method is proposed by unites states of bureau of mines( USBM).However,the USBM judgment method has the insufficient of single judgment gas species and misjudgment. Therefore,the relative improved judement method is proposed,and it is conducted cross validation of reliability based on some examples. The results show that,the relability of the improved USBM method is superior than the original one,and it has good promotion prospects.
作者 李淑敏
出处 《现代矿业》 CAS 2015年第3期126-128,共3页 Modern Mining
关键词 USBM爆炸绘图 混合气体 气体爆炸性 判定 改进 Explosion drawing of USBM Mixed gas Explosive characteristics Judgment Improve
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